Online poker has gained immense popularity, allowing players to enjoy their favorite card game from the comfort of their homes. While this convenience is appealing, it has also brought up concerns about fairness, transparency, and trust. Many players wonder whether online platforms can manipulate outcomes or give certain players an unfair advantage. Blockchain technology has […]
Lotteries are a popular form of gambling where players purchase tickets to win prizes, often including substantial cash jackpots. Here’s an in-depth look at what you need to know about lottery jackpots, how they work, and tips on handling a big win. What is a Lottery Jackpot? A lottery jackpot is the top prize awarded […]
My team asked me to say something on the occasion of the first-anniversary celebration of Codes For Tomorrow. I was blank at that point. People like me prepare for writing code or building technology, but never about expressing ourselves for special occasions. So when I checked the mic that day, at that moment, I realized that […]
The world of finance is an age-old practice that has evolved and taken technology under its grasp with its evolution. The Internet made it easier for banking, trading, and more. Web 3.0 and dApps are the next phase of this roadmap. Any financial transaction on Web 2.0 depends on centralized banking systems across the globe. […]